Statue of Liberty

One America

Source: Virginia Davies

Stand Beside Her, And Guide Her, Through the Night, With a Light From Above.

America – the land that we love – is in desperate need for some guidance. And in a manner unique to America – she is starting to get it. Over the last few weeks Americans – native, black, brown, asian, white, young, old, children (including my 6 and 3 year old grandchildren), men and women- united and in numbers not seen since the Vietnam War – have been in the streets shouting at the top of their lungs , “Enough is enough”. At times the energy of these protests seems overpowering. Yet if the energy of this moment can be harnessed it can propel America to something great. In this moment we have an opportunity to move closer to the “One America” Dream.

Reconciliation Process

Interracial handshake

Whether we care to admit it or not America needs to embrace a reconciliation process – I would submit focused on the Native American Indian and black communities. Legislative reform and elected officials at the national, state, city level and community boards will certainly be part of this effort. Perhaps what is also needed is a national coordinator, or a new Secretary of Reconciliation as a member of Cabinet. But even with the best of intentions a Reconciliation Cabinet Secretary and legislative change will not be sufficient to achieve the dream. Achieving the dream rests with us at the ground level in our communities, our churches, the ballparks, the swimming pools, our workplaces and at the kitchen table in our homes. A bottom up approach.

Each one of us must take a hard look at our lives. Perhaps unknowingly we contribute to the dividing lines in America.
I will take myself as an example. I live in the West Village of New York City. We have very few black families living close by. Certainly no American Native families. The staff in our building is largely Hispanic. De facto we are segregated. Since I have friends who live in parts of NYC that do not have this same racial “profile” I am going to try and find ways to do partnered or joint neighborhood events. Maybe in our park across the street we can erect a statue beside the statute of the Doughboy that reflects the multi-racial makeup of the American forces? These are small first steps and I will look for others.

Every Generation

The dream of One America is a dream of utopia so we must acknowledge that it is a lifelong commitment of every generation of America. The very good news of the last few weeks is that the dream burns brightly in most Americans. That is why we are in the streets. But now it is up to each of us to make the change we desire in our communities ; to stand beside America and guide her to a more united and more just America and put her squarely on the pathway to One America.

May God Bless America.